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Speaking/ Teaching

I am a Marketer at heart, I like to talk. That aside, I believe I have something to say. 


I started in a time where the marketing world was simpler. Less channels, less noise but also less access. There is more choice now for both businesses and consumer. 

I learned it all as it happened. The spontaneity of that, the trial and error, made for a rich learning experience. 

And I have learned a lot. Won, drawn and lost. Seen and done some great things in business. Sat at the feet of some great leaders, and survived some that were not so great. 

I would like to share these experiences with you and your audiences. Pave the way so your collective path can be smoother, or at least provide some thought provoking insight that steers you steady. 


It’s a great story!

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(917) 471-1259

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