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  • Writer's pictureGerry

A Start-up Story

So much of the writing and reporting on start-ups focuses on all the glamorous elements. The funding, the valuations, the so called 'overnight successes and of course the 'unicorns'. And yet for so many who chase their dreams and bring an idea to market, the reality is very different,

On the latest episode of Marketing in 5 Acts podcast, my guest is Sam Palmer of Blenderelle. Sam was frustrated by a very common consumer problem and so she set about solving it with her range of cosmetic blending sponge cases. When you hear about the idea and Sam telling her story, you will be struck by the simplicity of the idea. It gets right to the heart of a consumer problem and Sam designed the perfect solution to that problem.

That's it, right? That's all it takes, an idea that solves a problem for a consumer? Isn't it?

Oh yeah you need some money like those Shark Tank people preen and posture over. Ok let's get some of that! (Or not).

The reality for so many entrepreneurs is so different and not talked about nearly enough in my opinion. So Sam was kind and honest enough to re-tell her journey of bringing her idea to life and her product to market. It is a fascinating tale of chasing your dreams, the tests and stresses that await you, the vulnerability and humility needed to absorb and learn from all the lessons coming your way, and through it all to stand tall with an unshakeable belief in your idea, the product and the opportunity in your hands.

It's a story we can all relate to and a real eye-opener to the known and unknown hurdles an entrepreneur finds in their way. Enjoy Sam's honesty and candor in telling her story, her way.

And of course it's not over. These are the first chapters of Blenderelle and Sam is still pushing and still striving to bring her products to more people. As a thank you to all Pentalogy Marketing followers and listeners she has kindly given us a discount code to use to try her Blenderelle products.

You can find Sam and her products at and to receive a 20% discount, please enter 'pentalogy' at checkout.

Please support Sam and her efforts and as she said in the interview, feel free to get in touch at her website with any ideas and feedback.

Enjoy the show and enjoy Blenderelle!

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